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Hampstead Britannia

Hampstead Britannia (3 stars) is an accommodation with many amenities from where you can visit the center of the city, located at approximately 5 km. Here you can stay in a double room for a price starting at £97. Offers to its customers free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. Hampstead Britannia offers to its customers a variety of services as parking, restaurant and air conditioned. Its facilities are adapted to persons with reduced mobility. Customers travelling with pets are also allowed to stay. About the remarcable places, in the surroundings of London Zoo and Freud Museum.


Photo - Hampstead Britannia Photo - Hampstead Britannia Photo - Hampstead Britannia Photo - Hampstead Britannia Photo - Hampstead Britannia

Price by night

You can book your room in Hampstead Britannia from £97.


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Location / Directions

Address: Primrose Hill Rd. NW3 3NA LONDON. United Kingdom.

Last offers

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12 October
15 October
Habitación Doble - 2 camas
15 days ago